Incertitude bout tis..
Frankly.. Hopefully i'm not..
By hoping i'm at da right position rite now..
Controlling & avoiding it slightly slanted to another side..
As an ancient weighing scale alwayz do..
Keeping at da proper locality to tc da rite figure..
But i can't insure.. Mine was well-balanced now..
Sometimes.. While v're lacking out of sth..
V'll try to search for da piece which v missed..
In fact.. Bout searching for da rite piece at da rite place..
Is considering another thing..
Wat v called "LUCK"..
But sometimes.. Though there's some pieces..
Being abandoned.. Or isolated aside..
V'll pick them up n ponder upon them..
Which is da piece i'm finding actualy??
Is tis? Mayb..
Tis? Mayb not..
Or tis? Perhaps..
Keep wondering.. N mind is wandering actualy..
As time passed.. Pieces start changing their form..
Mayb they're not alike as da 1st time u saw them..
As well.. It's not da piece u needed anymore..
By having da one last piece in hand..
Wil u stil wonder n wander bout it??
Try to figure it out.. But dun regret by picking it up..
Moreover.. Da process is da true meaning..
Pick n mold it to da perfect shape which v hope for..
Hmmm...sometimes the luck is not by our side,we have the wish to pick the right piece but we don't have the chance...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I know that both of us will grab the one at the 1st sight if it is worth to......the instinct of appropriation tells us to do so...but we only choose to seize on the right one......
Take care my girl......
寒雨:Luck?? Mayb.. But making decision stil depends on oneself.. Not saying tat there's not a chance.. But.. Trying to deliver out any of it?? Is another side of da problem.. Haha^^ Keep on dragging.. have the chance I know...;p And you always have it...^0^
ReplyDeleteSometimes,we cannot make the decision because we ask for more and always request for better one....
Tat's y v hav da same answer.. "Picky".. Kaka^^
ReplyDeletenot to be picky actually..well, is jz tat whether v are alwez remain standing bside the drain to watch and wonder around on the pieces.. or v realy pick up the piece and mold it to see whether it suit
ReplyDeleteJoyce lee: I got it.. Realy got it.. Thx, gurl..
ReplyDeletenice blog~
simon is your fan now^^
Welcome.. I noe who r u.. Haha^^
ReplyDeleteo0h.. really?
Yap.. I did met u once bfore.. O mayb more than tat.. Not realy sure.. Whereas.. Mayb u forgot.. U noe siao yee, rite?? Hehe^^
ReplyDeleteof coz i know u & siao yee^^
ReplyDeletei've met you at era walk~
long time din meet my ex-colleagues..
missing them..
Find one day n visit them.. Not so far, rite?? Tc some chances on it.. Mayb they miss u too.. I said "mayb".. Lolz.. Haha^^