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Once it choose to b da rotten one..
It's alwayz da rotten one..
At da starting.. Mayb juz a small crack..
But.. As time passed..
While bad cell start spreading..
Da whole one gonna condemn soon..
Da rotten is alwayz da rotten one..
No matter how well it protect da surface..Either it's green o red..
Da inner side is alwayz brown..
N it's stink.. YUCK!!
Sometimes.. When it's in hand..
At first.. Wondering it's nice n juicy..
But when u cut it off into pieces..
Found out.. Da inmost is juz da real features of it..

No one wil tel.. N it won't tell u as well..
Once u taste it.. U'll discover da real part of it..
I'm glad to know da truth without regrets..
Today went out wif dear..
She told me.. "It's time to hav a love affair"..
By asking: "Won't u feel lonely when u need someone bside u??"
Indeed.. I hope to start one..
But.. There's no choice for me..
I mean rite now.. ^^
Frends thinking i'm choosy o wat..
But.. Actualy..
Telling da truth.. I'm not..
When a guy come closer..
For me.. I choose to take time n observe..
(*Not a long period..)
N yet.. Everytime..
It juz disappear half way round..
There's different story in between..
Some r sweet from da starting..
But.. Turning tasteless after a meanwhile..
Some r pretending all along da process..
N indirectly changing into a bothersome problem..
Some r sweet all along da process..
But.. When i'm preparing for it..
It juz vanished suddenly..
By interchanging.. I'm stil single rite now.. Haha^^

Telling da truth..
For da age of mine now..
Start worry-ing.. Why huh??
Is tis a normal symptom??
Scare later no ppl wan.. Bcome "lougupo"..
But there's one thing i alwayz regret..
Was da longest "observation" i ever made..
Til now v're 2 strangers in tis world all over again..
I'm back.. Sori for da late updates..
I was too busy wif my practical..
N now it's over.. I'm a freeman now.. Yuhoo^^
A little talk bout my practical..
Well.. 2 months juz passed quickly..
N yet.. I learned lotz during tis practical..
Comparing to da previous one..
Indeed.. My mentor guide n assist me every time..
I lik da learning process.. Da way she guide me..
To let me noe which is da better way..
N wat is da weaknesses i need to correct..
Learning from mistakes is wat i alwayz hope for..
But.. I'm realy unsatisfied wif..
My minor subject.. Mathematics..
During da last observation by HLM..
I'm totally down..
I knew she won't satisfied wif it as well as myself..
After finishing da last maths class..
I keep reflecting myself.. Why i'm so stupid??
Brain was stucking all da time without any new ideas..
At tat moment.. I almost burst myself wif tears..
But i did control it by entering my cuties' class.. Year 1..
Talking bout Year 1 class..
Sometimes.. They made me scratched my scalp..
Sometimes.. They made me laughed a lotz..
Haha^^ There's stories wif them..
I realy love u all.. But.. I'm leaving..
力宁,芷炜,恩琪.. Dun cry anymore ya..
While u all r crying after da last lesson..
My eyes were wet.. If i cry.. Sure very paisei..
Cz parents were all around.. Hehe^^

Oh ya.. Thanks for da presents.. ^^
Get shocked while u told me tat sentence..
U think i can?? Am i worth to b??
For me.. I'm not able to reach there..
Dun put expectation on me..
Da higher u hope..
Da higher disappointment wil b coming..
Trust me.. I'm not tat good..
Sometimes.. Wat u feel..
Wasn't da same in reality..
Mayb wat u saw during these period..
Is juz ur exterior perspective..
There's lotz of happenings & incidents..
U dun really c it through ur eyes..
Once u saw da real one..
1st mind.. 1st thought wil change u thoroughly..
But well.. U're realy different..
U taught me a lotz..
Encouragement.. Opinions.. Ideas..
N trying to lead myself to da ideas u gav..
Appreciate every words & notions u gav to me..
N it's precious.. At whiles..
A dull stone may turn into a beautiful gem..

N yet.. When time turnaround..
Da same doing wil change into a habit..
Whether good or bad..
Everyone hav a different answer..
As self-esteem keep sliding down..
Habit wil slightly turn into a negative one..
N well.. I'm one of it rite now..
Please drag me out from tat hell place..
*Keep on da same habit wil turn me into a demon..*
Recur to da prime.. Am i??
Incertitude bout tis..
Frankly.. Hopefully i'm not..
By hoping i'm at da right position rite now..
Controlling & avoiding it slightly slanted to another side..
As an ancient weighing scale alwayz do..
Keeping at da proper locality to tc da rite figure..
But i can't insure.. Mine was well-balanced now..
Sometimes.. While v're lacking out of sth..
V'll try to search for da piece which v missed..
In fact.. Bout searching for da rite piece at da rite place..
Is considering another thing..
Wat v called "LUCK"..

But sometimes.. Though there's some pieces..
Being abandoned.. Or isolated aside..
V'll pick them up n ponder upon them..
Which is da piece i'm finding actualy??
Is tis? Mayb..
Tis? Mayb not..
Or tis? Perhaps..
Keep wondering.. N mind is wandering actualy..
As time passed.. Pieces start changing their form..
Mayb they're not alike as da 1st time u saw them..
As well.. It's not da piece u needed anymore..
By having da one last piece in hand..
Wil u stil wonder n wander bout it??
Try to figure it out.. But dun regret by picking it up..
Moreover.. Da process is da true meaning..
Pick n mold it to da perfect shape which v hope for..
A sudden appear.. A sudden vanish..
All of a "SUDDEN"..
Wil juz influence a person's feelings lotz..
A sudden appear of ideality..
Cause a person to b hapi of it..
Paying expectations on it..
By hoping a nice come-off..
When it vanished..
Prospect wil juz vanished as well..
Lik da mist fading away when da sun rise..
N feelings wil keep sliding n decreasing..
To a lower level..
Mayb da lowest.. Who knows??
When an aversion sudden appear..
Causing someone in fear n trembling..
A thousands even millions n billions of uncomfortable..Hoping it to wind up as soon as possible..
Da same thing continue wil lead to an unceasing tension..
By da way.. Juz leave it away..
Til da forgone time.. It'll disappear in a suitable way..

Rotating to another angle of mind..
Are these inconsistency in mind??
When things were around..No matter it's bon or bad..
Juz feel tat things r not tat good..
As well as myself..
Every mind concept was lik..
Unable to settle n resolve stuff nicely..
N timorous to tc da 1st step out of da doorway..
A main factor was.. CONFIDENCE..
N stil there's lotz of room to b improved..
Aspiring after a better life..
Dun wana loose any chance to grip it on hand anymore..
Finally.. Lastly.. Eventually.. Ultimately..
Everything ends on Tuesday..
Anxiety was being released out..
N there's no more vexation in my mind..
But juz fatigue n weariness..
Call to mind.. These passing dayz..
Hav to force myself on everything..
In fact.. I knew i'm not tat good comparing to others..
But.. Juz telling myself.. To try anything which i'm able to b..
As long as i'm trying out.. Putting efforts..I won't hav any regrets on it..
As well as an affair..
Which dragging me for a long time..
Can't even forget til tis moment..
I knew it's time to let it down..
Not worthy anymore..
Keep maintainnig da same thing..
Wil juz bothering & burdening myself..
Til da end.. Nth wil b in my hand..
Juz let it b & clear things out in mind..
Let things bc to a starting mode again..
Though tis is not da 1st time for me..
Everytime.. I can forget in good ways..
Tis time wil b da same.. I knew..

Sometimes.. I'm not sure whether..
Is it my problem o da trust of mine to ppl around..
Inccident happened once n once again..
But everytime i din grasp it nicely..
All r juz CARK!!
N ya.. CARK juz change everything to zero again..
Til da now of mine is ZERO.. Lolz.. Kaka^^
Hapi holidays.. To let my mind bc to ZERO..